Hey you!

You are valid! You may have some questions about your gender identity. And maybe you feel like you would like to hide from those feelings, but it helps to talk to someone about them!

On this site, you can chat with us, call us and send us your questions about gender and gender identity. No question is too wild for us! You can also contact us together with your parents or on behalf of your child if you are a parent yourself! While none of our volunteers’ first language is English, they are all able to talk about these topics in both Dutch and English.

Have you read the Transgender Wegwijzer (Wayfinder)? On this map, organizations and individuals who can help you with your transition and everything that comes with it. Think for example of medical specialists, but also of anti-discrimination agencies and self-help groups.

Would you like a Genderpraatjes folder (in Dutch) to help raise awareness of the chat line? Then click here to download it!


Frequently asked questions

All kinds of questions might come to mind about, let’s say, your gender identity, dating and relationships, coming-out, transitioning or meeting others. We know it’s hard to find answers to the questions you have, but you are not alone in that! That’s why we’ve put together a place where you can start to uncover this information for yourself.

The astronaut

Identity is a mix of many different ingredients. The astronaut shows some of these ingredients that are related to gender. This is only one example: how you feel and present yourself is entirely up to you. Take a look at the astronaut and discover the different parts!

*The astronaut is a simplified representation of something that in reality consists of much more. Ideas about this are constantly changing. We’re happy to hear from you if you have a better explanation!


The Genderpraatjes youth line is supported by a lot of wonderful and sweet people: our ambassadors! Meet them here and see what they have to say about Genderpraatjes.

Helpful tips

Sometimes we may not have all the answers to your questions. Fortunately, there are many other places that may be able to help you! On the page ‘help tips’ you will find a handy overview of organizations where you can get support on your gender journey.


You can also join Genderpraatjes as a Volunteer. As a volunteer at Genderpraatjes you mainly offer an open ear and open mind, you answer questions without judging and you know how to spot ’the question within the question’, and you know where to refer to when necessary. As an ‘experiential expert’, you do not replace the caregiver, but you know from experience how to build a connection with others.